What are the Akashic Records ??
The records have been described many ways by many people both modern and historically.
I would describe them as a blueprint of our soul, or a huge computer archive of every moment that ever was, is, or will be.
Akasha loosely means Ether, the space that was created for all life and other elements to birth from.
The space before the space.
The outline of the story written by consciousness itself, God, Source, whatever your view point is, your higher self’s diary.
Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “Primary substance,” that out of which all things are formed.
The chicken or the egg 🥚 you know the old story.
Is it fate, is it destiny, or is it free will?
Are we chosen or did we choose?
Linda Howe, who is a pretty famous author and teacher in the Akashic Records Space describes the records as such
“ The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and it’s journey”
Now what or how do we use the records to do a reading ???
Grace’s Akashic Records Readings look at your personal Akashic Records, and send Energy Healing into those psychic spaces to shift reoccurring patterns from the past, blocks and doubts that you hold in the present, helping release fears that stop you from moving forward in your life and emotions and giving us glimpses at the future.
What does that mean exactly ?
I use your name and birthdate as a way to connect with your energy to go into your records, with permission of course, to bring forward information that might be relevant, impactful or useful in the here and now.
The records have ALL ANSWERS if you’re asking the right questions.
Often we think of things like what is my purpose? and the answer we’re seeking is really, what is my career path?
Asking questions like is this the love for me ? when really we should be asking, will I be fulfilled in a lifetime of love with this person ?
Don’t worry Grace will help you format your questions 🪲🧊
To Learn more about the Records and my experiences working with Them, check out Episode 10 of the Angel Face Magic Hour: What are the Akashic Records+ my Journey healing with the Records
All 1:1 services are on sale throughout June using the code “GEMINI” when checking out to receive 44% off !!!!!!!!!!!
Linx 🔗📲 to set up an appointment 💜💻🤺