Part 1: What is Holy Fire Reiki and what the heck does it have to do with Jesus and the Holy Spirit ?
Firstly Holy Fire Reiki and Reiki in general is not a religious practice and does not originate from any form of Christianity.
This is a subject I find very very interesting!
So back about 100 years ago Reiki, which is a form of energetic healing was “discovered” by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui, later in the historical line/ lineage of Reiki, a woman named Hawayo Hiromi Takata, A Japanese American woman from Hawaii, then studied in Japan and brought these traditions to Hawaii and eventually the rest of the United States, where it branched out further and further into different schools of thought different lineages and different areas of the world.
Reiki is just one form of energetic healing, but there is some magic and lore around the idea that hands on healing was something practiced by Jesus, The Buddha and other Human Masters throughout the world.
Does this mean Reiki is the same practice Jesus practiced?
We will never truly know and like a lot of subjects and ideas within mysticism and energy practices, a lot of it is based on peoples lived experiences and personal gnosis.
What THEY BELIEVE to be true.
Whenever I share spiritual information it is from my lense and my understanding and experiences which could be very different than yours.
So this is all about building your personal understanding of the practice and what it means to you.
Now let’s go back to Mrs. Takata, Reiki was and still mostly is a mystery tradition, meaning you have to be initiated into the practice and alot of the symbols and practices are considered “secret”, a lot of that has changed throughout the last 100 years but that’s a whole other post.
When Mrs. Takata began sharing her information about Reiki and teaching others there is some history and stories around the idea that Usui, was a Christian Minister.
So let’s think about history here, why would Reiki and Usui be framed as a Christian Practice?
1940s US, a practice from Japan… I think history can tell her why these stories were told and why that kept this practice “safe”
More in Part 2